Trenčín - City on the River

Frequently Asked Questions




Is it possible to lower the level of the new Banovecka railway route? If yes, to what limits?
Is it possible to place the newly constructed railway rout no.143 on estacade?
The reconstruction of the railway routs is already going on. Is it possible to add ther more undercrossings resulting form eventual needs of the proposals although they are not included in the on-going investment projects ? In case of such proposals,who would finance such investments – city of Trencin or the National Railways?
Does the railway path that goes along the riverfront function? If not, is there a particular plan to use it in the future?
After the reconstruction of the railways the old railway bridge remains free. Is his future function already defined, or can it be proposed by the competitors?
Is the relocation of railway track already calculated in costs?
Is there an alternative route for the railway Banovce n.Bebravou? Can this railway be relocated away from the riverwaterfront?
Can we change appearance of a future pedestrian bridge?
There is a couple of garage rows next to the old railway bridge. Could they be moved somewhere else?

As defined in the brief, the position, height and rout of the new railway are the binding conditions for the designed area.The original Banovecka (Chynoranska) trackwill be cancelled. Interventions to new Chynoranska track (no.143) are acceptable, including underpasses (both pedestrian or vehicular); level crossings need to be controlled (signage/traffic lights). Regarding the new functional use of the original infrastructure, its eventual changes or demolition we expect such proposals from the competitors. This concerns also the eventual integration of city transport to the new railway track. All will depend on a possible added value of any proposed solution, the economic evaluation of the proposed idea etc. The competition searches the complex urban solutions which are expected to be proposed by the competitors.

Is there a security zone at the new railway track? (zone within which nothing can be placed)
According to Slovak law there is a security zone of 100 m. Could you please specify which kind of constructions can or can not be placed in this zone?
To which distance from the proposed railway there will be a security zone?

There is a security zone of 2m from the railway where nothing can be placed and other 100m where constructions may be placed only after the approval of the ŽSR (Slovak Railway Company).

In Document (01): Page 5 you say:"As part of the modernisation of the railway tracks, all level crossings will be replaced with flyovers." You mean also underpasses?
Answer :

Can you provide us with information on the timetable or frequency of trains using the train line that runs parallel to the Hasicska Road please?
What kind of trains run the the Bánovecká railway (both tracks)? How fast and how often do they run? Which destinations?
Will the electricity conduction be led over the new railway track?

Answer :
The route no. 143 is not really frequented, in 2014 there run 10 trains a day (2 personal and 8 cargo)with the maximum allowed velocity of 60 kmph. The city plans to use it in future as a part of the city rail transport system. In the results of the competition we expect complex urbanistic solutions evaluating all aspects of such an eventual proposal.In case ofsuch solution it will be necessary to plan also a train stop near the city centre.The Chynoranska track is not electrified today. In future the electrification will probably be realised above the track, but the time schedule of the potential realisation is not known yet.


Can you briefly describe a 1st class road ( minimal requirements, number of lanes , etc. ).
Answer :
The 1st class road means a road of overregional importance in the ownership of the state. In the designed area it runs through the city center with the capacities defined in Apenndixes no.(06) and (07)

Is it possible to change the 1st class road Hasicska – to change the maximum allowed speed, or eventually to add some crossings, to narrow or widen the road?
Is it possible to plunge the Hasicska street under the terrain up to the Hotel Elizabeth crossing?
To which extend the existing preliminary transport proposals concerning the crossings under the existing road bridge and near the football stadium are expected to be taken into consideration. Or could they rather be ignored?
Does the city of Trencin prefer some of the existing preliminary transport proposals?
In (01) Competition Objectives and Recommendations Page 5. you say "The existing topology enables a continuous rising and falling of routes across relatively long stretches, enabling the creation of a barrier free and fully accessible environment." Do you mean that the street 507 can be pushed up and down? Or that we can imagine a series of flyovers for pedestrians?

Answer :
The roads can be modified only in frames of valid legislative rules. The variants described in the brief are indicative and the city of Trencin do not instruct the competitors in any obbligatory manner. However, any proposed solution has to demonstrate its feasibility. In the Appendix (01) Competition Objectives and Recommendations there is following recommendation in connection to Hasicska Street : „The competitors should devise solutions for the city’s through-traffic in form of a 1st class road and a functional pedestrian and cycling connectivity between the historic city centre and both riverfronts. These proposals need to show future adaptation of the communication network in connection with the potential completion of the Southeast Bypass Road. The competition participants who will consider the completion of the Southeast Bypass Road necessary should consider in particular the economic viability of the interim through-traffic solution so that only a minimal transformation of the network will be necessary once the bypass road is completed. The proposed shopping mall Aupark will have a direct impact on the existing traffic arrangement. In this scenario, both the left turn from the vehicular bridge as well as the current connection to the bridge from the city centre will be omitted, requiring a complex redesign of the existing intersection adjacent to the road bridge.”
The competition´s crucial aim is to recieve a complex strategic urbanistic solutions from the participants.

Does the transport concept (as a part of the panel 3) require a fully engineered road design with car counts or is it sufficient to provide the layout and road dimensions and type. Additionally what level of detail on traffic and infrastructure is required as part of the submission information?
Answer :
Before the jury meeting the proposals will be evaluated by the board of experts, one of them being also an expert for traffic, so we recommend to make a responsible and feasible proposal. The ideas need not to go deeply into details of car counts etc., but the proposed design has to have feasible technical properties. In other words, the level of detail on traffic and infrastructure has to be sufficient in demonstration of a potential general feasibility of the proposed concept.


In Document (01) - page 5. you say"Due to the river’s navigation height 7m (as required by the Danube strategy) and construction of the new road bridge, the level of the new railway track is 6.2m higher than the existing track at the point where it departs from the dam." 1) The "new road bridge" might be the one in the south of the city towards Zahumenskà st. Does this mean that the whole train secondary track (Chynoranska track (no.143)) will be 6.2 mt higher? Do we have to imagine a 6.2 mt wall behind the Statistics Office? or this is the start point of the new inclination of the track?
Could you specify the design heights for each point of the Chynoranska track (no.143)?
a) The new railway bridge
b) The crossing with the existing railway bridge
c) The crossing with the existing road bridge
d) The new road bridge
In Document (01). Page 5 you say: "Due to the river’s navigation height 7m (as required by the Danube strategy) " Does the existing bridge that connects above the channel by the camping comply with this strategy? If not do you schedule a future intervention? and when? Do we also have to comply with the Danube strategy for a new bridge from the camping to the right bank?
In the document „Competition Objectives and Reccomandation“, in the part Transportation – Old railway bridge is stated : „the navigation height for the existing bridge is 4m, but the Danube strategy requires 7m.“What does result for us form this point of view ?
Does the 7m heightDanube navigation strategy apply only to newly constructed infrastructure or does it concern also the existing one? In other words , is the reconstruction/elevation of the old railway – also mandatory in orderto comply with the 7m regulation ?
In Document (01). Page 5. you say: "Due to the river’s navigation height 7m (as required by the Danube strategy) " Should we think of a solution for the existing railway track? What do you plan to do with this bridge in the future to comply with the Danube strategy? If you plan to change or demolish this bridge, when is this intervention scheduled?

Answer :
The old railway bridge will be resolved in an independent architectural competition in future. The new solution will have to accept the Danube strategy in following manner : In case of new functional change of the railway bridge to a road transport, it will be necessary to prepare the new design with the requested 7m height of the construction.In case the new functions of the bridge would be proposed as promenade ones, whithout need of radical demand for the interventions, the immediate elevation for 7m height will be not necessary and it wil be requested only at moment of entering the Danube atrategy into force. That means that in such case also temporary solutions without necessity of immediate elevating of the bridge will be possible. The proportions of all the masses, volumes, heights and other parameters of the transportation infrastructure constructions can be authentically verified in the Appendix no. (04) Site 3D Model.

Is there already a solution of the connection between the two river banks for pedestrians within the on-going project of the road bridge? Is it still possible to propose some new intervention or it is necessary to accept the existing version?

Do you have already defined architectural solution of a new bridge?

Answer :
The new bridge is already being constructed with the given design, so there is no more possibility to realise any eventual architectural intervention.


What is the historical use of the river? Was there any industrial use of the river? What role the river plays today?
Are there relevant data on the water-aspects, like fluctuations in height, need of retention etc ?
Is the river considered as a potential cargo - water route?
Is it possible to design some landscape interventions like molo, lido, bays etc. on the river banks?
What's the depth and speed of river?
What kind of ships navigating the river?
Weather : are there conditions for setting up floats or not ?
Is there a limit in setting up facilities on the river (e.g. floating river clubs, theatre...)?
Is river Vah used in any way? If yes, how? How are the river banks like, do people walk there?
What are the values of the flood area of the river? How often does the river flood?
Would you use ships on the river as the way of public transport? It would be in a spirit of city's efforts to lower CO2 emissions.

Answer :
The questions regarding the river and its environment were discussed by experts in the preparatory process for the competition brief during the participative plannig process „Trencin is You“. The notes from the discussion giving answers to almost all the posed questions can be found in the Appendix no.(12) Trenčín is You – City Planning Inspired by Trenciners, in Chapter 3 (from page 51).
To the above recommended information we are adding following useful facts and figures about the river :
The profile and water level of the river is influenced by the actual water flow as well as by the river manipulation on the Trencianske Biskupice water gate, which is situated 2,5 km beneath the Ostrov area (Isle).
Basic data from the Biskupice water-gate area :
Max working level altitude = 207,64 mt. above s.l.
Min. working level altitude = 205,39 mt. above s.l.
100 years water altitude Q100 =2220 m3s-1 = 208,34 mt above sea level.
The level of ground water in the Hasicska Street area = 207,5 above sea level
In below there are two illustrative figures of the river flow in its minimum working level decrease :

(figure 1) (figure2)

Useful link about the historical use of the river Vah (in Slovak only)


Could you provide more data about the part of the area that is situated at the other side of the river; in the documentation there are hardly any photographs, or other data enclosed.
What is the predominant function of the Old Herold area? Is it an active/in use part of the city? Are there any notable facts to be remembered about it?
Which are the requirements of the city concerning solutions on the opposite side of the river in the Old Herold area and in the residential part in ownership of private families?
Is there a particular program of Old Herold's territory use?
To which extent it is possible to resolve (or adapt) the industrial area of the OLD HEROLD company, while according to our personal visit it seems to be still a company in function. Is it possible to anticipate its gradual cessation?
Is it possible to demolish the objects beneath the dam in the area between the existing road and railway bridges?
In Old Herold area – is there some of its parts announced for National Cultural Memory

Answer :
There are mostly private buildings at the other part of the river (see Appendix no.05 – Land of Ownership Plan). Non of them is listed and the proposal of an eventual revitalisation of some buildings are up to the competitors. The brief of the competition was created after more than 3 years lasting process of discussions with general public and experts in the project of particpative city planning „Trencin is You“. Its objectives and results are described in the Appendix no.(12) Trenčín is You – City Planning inspired by the Trenciners.
The functions and use of the other side of the river areas are defined in the existing Master Plan of Trencin. But in case the results of the competition bring proposals improving the general urban solution in its complexity, they may catalyse the Master Plan changes in future.

In the Appendix : Site Area Map the area of Orechovsky creek alluvium is not marked. Is there a demand to design also this area ?

In the Site Area Map neither the river bank opposite to Bay of Tranquility (Zatoka Pokoja), nor the Orechovsky creek alluvium area are marked. Does it mean these areas are excluded from the designed area or the solutions will result from our own decision ?

Answer :
The mentioned areas have to be taken into consideration within broader relations, but they are not in main focus of the competition. In the Orechovsky creek alluvium area there is an on-going project of revitalization the zone into a natural park, which is already being realised by several NGO´s and the nearby municipality of Zamarovce.Nevertheless, the competition seeks for complex urban solutions and the individual approach to the designed area and its broader relations is up to the authors.


Is it necessary to accept the Aupark construction marked in the documentation or is it possible to ignore it ?
Can the location of planned Aupark shopping centre be changed? Can the shape of the Aupark building be changed , for example shortened or divided into several seperate volumes ?
Can you provide us with interior plans (and sections) of the proposed Aupark shopping mall please (to understand the circulation and functional arrangements)?
Aupark – does already exist the decision about its construction in the desigend shape and volume? Are there some other information about its functions ?
How high will the Aupark shopping mall be?
Is it possibel to demolish the existing buildings situated between the dam and the newly proposed Aupark mall, being in private ownership of indivual or legal persons ?

Answer :
According to Appendix no.(01) Competition Objectives and Recommendations it is not possible to change the volume of the Aupark shoppnig mall, with the exception of the side adjacent to the area between the Hviezda Cinema and the planned Aupark mall which could be done in favour of the new transport solution. The location of the pedestrian and vehicular entrances can also be adjusted according to the individual transport solution.
There are no other plans disponible instead of those already published in the competition documentation Appendices. The masses, volumes and heights of the planned construction can be verified in the Appendix no.(04) Site 3D Model.
The recommendations in the brief have only indicative character and we expect a complex urban solutions coming from the competitors. It means that a completely new idea may bring proposals of different functional use of the existing designed (or related broader) area.


In the project area there are two construted pieces, one in front of the new mall and the other between city park and Bratislava railway that are not remarked but in some of the students projects examples this two areas are not respected. My question is if these areas are mandatory of respect or if the proposal justifies their elimination -is it possible to eliminate them ?
Are we allowed to resolved e new transport terminal and revitalisation ot´f the city park of M.R.Stefanik into the proposal ?

Answer :
All the objects and relationships needed for the solutions of the terminal and the city park areas are described in the Appendices no. (19) Terminal – Preliminary Proposal and no. (05) Land Ownership Plan. As for as the new solutions is concerned, the recommendations in the brief have only indicative character and we expect a complex urban solutions coming from the competitors. It means that a completely new idea may bring proposals of different functional use of the existing designed (or related broader) area.


You request an economic analysis as part of the submission, but there is little information on development costs associated with the land (remediation of contaminated soil, soil conditions etc).Is it appropriate to provide a strategic overview rather than a detailed development model?
Answer :
We are aware of this fact and our request needs just a general economic overview rather than a detailed development model.

Concerning the site capacity chart, are there target numbers that the competition organisers want to achieve?Some guide lines would be helpful to make a realistic proposal.
In case the proposals would like to design some extended area out of the designed borders, will it be necessary to calulate also this newly added area into the Chart of Site Capacities ?
In this phase we are dealing just with urbanistic studies and such data start to be relevant only in the concrete architectural solutions.
Is it necessary to fill in the Chart of Site Capacities the parameters of the energy eficiency?
Answer :
The Chart of Site Capacities has to be filled in according to the requirements indicated in the Appendix no.(21) and just for the area defined in the brief. The city do not make any instructions for realistic proposals, as these have to rise from the ideas brought by the competitors. The city seeks for complex urbanistic solutions and these in the result are also expected from the submitted proposals.


In Document (01) page 11. you say: "The area between Jaselská, Hviezdoslavova and Vajanského Street is the main focus of the competition."Are these buildings empty? Can we imagine to demolish them?
Is the area between Jaselská, Hviezdoslavova and Vajanského Streets in the main focus of the competition?
What would be the reasonfor transforming the area between Jaselská, Hviezdoslavova and Vajanského streets it into a social green space ?Are there any demolition plans there?

Answer :
This area is not the main focus of the competition. As stated in the original, Slovak version of the Annex (01) : „tento priestor bude predmetom samostatnej súťaže“. The correct translation into English should have been : "The area between Jaselská, Hviezdoslavova and Vajanského Street will be in focus of an indipendent competition."
We apologize for this malinterpretation of the original text in the translation.
The temporary proposed function of this area is a social green space, which results from the public discussions and a survey with the inhabitants. As a result of the competition we expect complex urban solutions coming from the competitors, as the recommendations in the brief have only indicative character. That means that within a complex new idea the solutions may bring proposals of different functional use of the designed (or related broader) area, too. That is valid also for the eventual future demolition of the buildings which actually are not empty.


What about the height of construction on the river bank ? Is it necessary to follow the Master Plan and its 10m definition or the proposed heights will be without any restrictions?
Answer :
The answer to this question can be found in the Appendix no.(01) Competition Objectives and Recommendations, in the section Trenčín Panorama and Cityscape

The silhouette of the city apart from the castle is created by the churches (Piarist Church and Parish Church), Jewish synagogue and the file of buildings in front of them. How the protection and restoration of the historic silhouette will be evaluated in the proposals? The silhouette is important also from the tourist point of view and the related financial incomes for the city.
How the urbanistic economy will be evaluated – if some proposals will accept the height of buildings according to existing Master Plan and some will not. The height of cinstructions may positively influence the economy, but may negatively influence the change of the historical silhouette.
In general, to wich extent the existing Master Plan is binding for the participants ?

Answer :
The proposals have to reflect the defined mission and purpose of the competition, as well as meet all the submission requirements, according to which the evaluation criteria were settled – see article V. of the Competition Conditions in the Appendix no, (17) The main task for the competitors is to meet as much evaluation criteria as possible. Among the criteria also Impact of the proposed concept on the panorama of the city, or the Sustainabilitity of the proposed solution can be found. The competition´s crucial aim is to recieve a complex strategic urbanistic solutions from the participants, that in case of necessity it could catalyse also a change of the existing Master Plan in future.



The South East Bypass Road concept mentioned in panel 03 is not clear. Could you explain in detail.In Document (01) page 9. you say "Lowered terrain (basin – part of former summer lido behind the dockyard) located below the dam level, between the dam and the new and old railway track. We recommend to raise this area up to the level of the dam (i.e. above the dam level) and to use the basin for underground parking, in order to free usable space on ground level". Can you specify on a map the extension of this area? It is not clear how wide is the area that you recommend to raise.
(08) Preliminary Proposal for Intersection Adjacent to the Bridge: From the white roundabout there is a cut street going towards the big red roundabout, Where is this street going to? up to the bridge?)
Is there a detailed legend for the cycling masterplan plan available?
Can you provide us with more detailed information regarding the layout and organization of the proposed football stadium and its immediate surroundings?
Do you have more informations regarding the new station? (entrances, car access, bus, taxi..etc)

Answer :
All the available and relevant data necessary for proposal of the competition of ideas are part of Competition Conditions par. III. – 3. Competition Documentation, List of Appendices:
(04) Site 3D Model - shows all heights, contextual relations needed for accomplishment of coherent urban proposal which reflects specific requests like transport, ecology, urban economy, social aspects, heritage issues etc..
(09) Cycling Masterplan - contains the necessary legend as well
(10) Football Stadium Preliminary Proposal - provides all currently available information
(19) Terminal – Preliminary Proposal - gives vision of terminal layout and organization necessary for conceptual competition proposal

Golf pitch – are the informations from media about the situation of the golf pitch in inundation areas (with risk of flooding) – parallel with Karpatska street still applicable? Is there valid any kind of relevant statement (situation, vision of the proposed golf areal)?
In the Competition documentaion is mentioned „ecocentrum“ – Is there available more detailed information, vision. What kind of „ecocentrum“ it should be, what should be the use of it, what kind of requirements it should fulfil?
Is there a plan for existing facilities that are located next to the train tracks, do they stay?
What do you think about density of the city centre? Should it be more or less dense?

Answer :
City of Trencin annouced urban design ideas competion and provided all significant data and information as a part of Competition Documentation. Information produced by media are no relevant resource for this competition.
City of Trencin offered in Competition Documentation a proposal of functions as an initiative impulse and essential motivation to enhance competitors. Our expectation is that the competition proposals will present comprehensive solutiosn for the designed area with respect of all requirements and conditions.

Regarding travelling out of town, which one is more used - railway or highway? Which one is cheaper/faster/better connected?
Answer :
For the competition of ideas It is not relevant what kind of transport is currently more benefitial, more used. There is the task for the competitors to come up with balanced transport solutions with regard to the aspects of sustainability. Nevertheless, the information regarding all necessary traffic issues including also some basic transport capacities, can be found in the competition documentation.

In Competition Documentation: Site Area Map is marked up only the peak of the Island. Is it possible to solve broader area?
Competitor is allowed to arbitrarily extend the site area, if it is necessary for the conceptual competition proposal.

Marked up area – (2) Site Area Map contains private properties as well. Is there a need to take it into account, consider it in any way?
Answer :
Land Ownership Plan was provided as an informative document. City of Trenčín expects coherent urbanistic solution whichresponds to requirements of Competition Conditions.

Is there a need to consider the location of infrastructure network, does infrastructure influence the conceptual proposal of competition?
Answer :
In the designed area there is not located any significant infrastructure network that needs to be taken into consideration or should in any way have relevant influence on the conceptual proposal.

Can we spread the M. R. Štefánik half-figures along the park?
Should we propose something also for The Mierové Square or the existing project is considered as definitive?

Answer :
The ideas competition is opened to any kind of proposals as far as they are not in contradiction with Competition Conditions.

Document (01) page 10. - what do you mean with "the proposal switchable "?
Answer :
In Document (01) we state, that the existing situation including the proposal is switchable in a separate layer and it can be viewed in the enclosed 3D model. The transport proposal (general arrangement) is in appendix (19) Terminal – Preliminary Proposal.dwg.

In Document (01) page 10. you say " The proposed terminal building anticipates the future accessibility of the castle by elevator – via Omar’s Well ...". Where is positioned the elevator in the plan?
Answer :
The planned elevator is situated right through the Omar´s Well in the castle rock. In Competition documentation (3) Site Plan and Typical Sections the Well is visible on the courtyard of the Trencin castle as „Hradna studna“.

Is there currently in City of Trencin cultural hall hosting the cultural events? If yes, what is the capacity of the hall? Is the Dom Armady (House of Army) used for this purpose?
How many cultural buildings exist in the city right now? How many of them are in use?
I'm curious about the scale of the local (both historical and contemporary) event. How many people are participating, and how long the event will last (hours or days?). I'm looking at the Cultural calendar from the Trencin city/tourism website, and I wonder if any of the event would require the entire city space, meaning the event is taken space of the entire city, and even across the river.

Answer :
This kind of information are available on the website

How often citizens visit the castle? Are there any facilities/activities in the area of the castle?
What is the main tourist attraction? The castle, the nature or the bicycle routes network? Does Trencin have a developed tourist offer?
Are there any strategies or master plan of tourism development?

Answer :
Currently there is no masterplan of tourism development or any tourism strategy. City of Trencin intends to develop one and support tourism in region.
Annualy Trencin castle entertains approximately 90 000 visitors, more than14 000 of them are from abroad. Trencin castle runs wide range of cultural and educational events, during the summer season also 2-3 / month . For more information visit:
Another important tourist attraction are international cultural events like open air event Pohoda Festival,film festival Artfilm Fest, or a wide range of exhibitions and fairs organised in the ExpoCenter. More about the contemporary cultural and social life of Trencin can be found also in the Appendix no.(13b) or at the websites or

Is the Trencin airport in use for air traffic or just for Pohoda festival? If just for festival, what happens in the other part of year?
Answer :
It is a local military airport. Airport is used as non-public domestic (Schengen) airport. Aiport offers flight trainings, panoramatic flights, Aerotaxi all around Europe via partners.

Trencin has a lot of students, but does it have the atmosphere of the student city or not?
What can Trencin offer to students that Bratislava can't?

Answer :
Currently City of Trenčín has a population of 56.000 approximately. Secondary schools / High schools host approximately 7000 students. In City of Trenčín there are situated two Universities with 6100 students. (4000 students visit the University daily)
Each city is unique. Identity, potential and genius loci of City of Trencin are described in Competition Condititons, paragraph II. and Competition Documentation, Appendices (12) Trencin is YOU, (13) City of Trencin - facts, and (14) Trencin – City on the River.

What is the main source of profit for the city?
Answer :
The main source of city income is based on taxes. Annually the City of Trencin gains €, where 66% comes mostly from the incometax.
Employment structure :
49% - production and technology (Leoni Slovakia, AU Optronics, Hospital)
9% - commerce and services
9% - education system
9% - public administration
More information about present trencin can be found also in the Appendix no.(13b)

What is the colour code (RAL, NCS etc) of the scale model of the city?
(to be completed)

Over what period of time do the competition organisers expect the masterplan to be realized and in how many phases of construction?
Answer :
There is no fixed timetable for next stage, yet. Currently, we expect to obtain the best comprehensive urban solutions, complyingwith all competitions requirements and conditions.



Can Architect participate individually and is the competition open to students?
Is one author eligible to participate in more than one submission?

Answer :
The competition is anonymous and open for submissions from individuals or teams. Nevertheless, we highly recommend to work in team, because the competition proposals have to reflect many specific requests like transport, ecology, urban economy, social aspects, heritage issues etc., so a complex approach with a high level of knowledge and experience from different cooperating proffessions will be a great advantage, in our opinion.
The competition by its character does not exclude the possibility of the authors to participate on more proposals. But the area needs a complex approach, so we reccommend the authors to focus on quality rather than quantity of their proposals.

I am registered as an individual.What if I'm woking with some else. Is there a way for us to register as a team?
Answer :
Till the date of submission of proposals you can change, correct or add your registration data in all their items including the item of co-authors.

If the entries sent by post or courier are postmarked before the submission deadline (24th April 2013) but they get delivered after 24th, will it be accepted?
The deadline for the postal delivery, 24th April at 16:30 CET, is intended as the sending date or as the delivery date?
What is meant by 'deposit slip' ?(In the section of delivery of submission it is stated : "The evidence of submission within the required deadline is the date and time of the deposit slip in case of delivery by hand or courier within the office hours .."

Answer :
The deadline is „hard“ deadline, i.e. any delivery has to be completed (delivered to the organizer) until 24.04.2014 / 16:30 CET. This is valid for any kind of your delivery – electronic submission, delivery via courier, post or personal. The delivery by courier or personal delivery has to be confirmed by the „deposit slip“ which means the confirmation desk at our Municipal Office.

Shall the awarded proposals be published after signing the Licence Agreement, by the authors (in their web site, in magazines online, etc.) and submitted to other customer for prequalifications or references of their own professional experiences about other works or competitions. Will it be possible or not ?
Answer :
The authors of the awarded proposals will have the right to use their works in terms of the signed Licence Agreement. We do not see any constraints to further promotion of all proposals in above described way.

For postal or courier delivery to foreign countries is always required (usually not required to write on the package but in the transport document that the person in charge of the reception must sign for receipt) indicate the sender (because otherwise it could not be delivered to the sender the receipt). I this allowed? Or how can we pass this problem?
Answer :
Yes, this is allowed. For all recieved packages the transport document will be confirmed at confirmation desk of Municipality Office („deposit slip“) by person excluded from organisation team responsible only for recieving and collecting all packages in one place. For anonymous openning of all packages, cheking out the formal content of submission and anonymously passing all competition proposals to experts and jury will be responsible the verifier of competition.

Will the winner of the competition also get the assignment for the further design of the area, after the competition?
Would the winning idea be built at the end ?

Answer :
The competition is organised as an open anonymous competition of ideas and it ends by purchasing winning proposals from the authors by signing of the Licence Agreement (see Appendix no.18 in section „Documentation“) – according to paragraph VII. point 5 of Competition Conditions.

What is the price of winning proposals in the competition? I find that on the homepage there is only information on why the city wants to recieve proposals and not the incentives for the competitors to join. Am I wrong?
Answer :
All about awards can be found in the Competition Conditions, paragraph VI. and also on web in section Competition Organisation - part Awards, link :

For international competitors postal delivery will be risky (the package can be lost) and expensive. İs there a chance that the requirement of two parallel forms of submissions (electronic submission and postal delivery) can be canceled?
Is the electronic submission alternative to mailed submission, or each competitor must submit both?
Is it possible to avoid the postal delivery?
Do we have to mail the 6 physical boards for submission or can it be digitally uploaded and files mailed on a usb/dvd?
Is it asked to make a video with the contents of the proposal?

Answer :
According to the paragraph III.poin 8. of the Competition Conditions each competitor must submit both alternatives – electronic submission AND postal delivery. There is no special requirement for delivering a video.

Do we have to send the panels printed to Slovakia with the registration form and the digital information?
Answer :
It is necessary follow the conditions of complete fulfilment of the requirements for successful submission of the competition proposals which are described in paragraph III. point 6.3. of the Competition Conditions in Appendix no.(17)

Is it possible to submit the Accompanying Report in English only ?
In the written submission page there's a field for the translation in Slovak of the Accompayning report. Is it compulsory to translate it or it is possible to write it in English only?

Answer :
No, according to Competition Conditions in Appendix no.(17) the text of the Accompanying Report has to be sent both in English AND Slovak (alternatively Czech) languages.

The submission should be made on panels. For foreign participants it is quite a burden to get them in Trencin. Is it possible to send in the submissions on paper (in a roll) ?
Answer :
The „panel“ means the same as the „blueprint“ (=paper poster) and they can be sent in a roll.

Do we need to sent you license agreement paper back to you by signing?
Answer :
The Licence Agreement will be signed after announcing the results by jury.By submitting your proposal you declare that in the event of your submitted proposal being awarded by the competition jury, you are authorized to enter into a Licence Agreement with the competition organizer and you agree to sign the agreement as worded in Appendix no.(18)

Does the expression ''concept Idea - in any form'' mean that it could be drawn by hand sketch, model sketch or any other CAD visualization etc?
As this is essentially an "ideas" competition, will the competition organizers accept entries that present the "idea" simply and clearly without all the detailed technical information which is difficult for smaller architect offices to provide due to restraints on time and finances?

Answer :
Yes, you may choose any form of the presentation of your idea according to you wish or skills, but it is necessary to respect all the delivery and submission requirements as described in the paragraph III. of the Competition Conditions

What is the difference between 'Natural Person' and 'Legal Person'?
Answer :
The law distinguishes between a natural and legal person. A natural person is any adult human being, with legal capacity commencing from the time of birth. The natural person can develop an enterpreneurship as an individual.A legal (artificial) person is an association of people, company or special-purpose fund that is recognized by law as having legal personality.

In Registration form – personal data there is a possibility to submit only one Legal person while as co-authors there is only a possibility to submit Natural persons. In case the co-authors are companies is it possible to add them as co-authors too?
Answer :
(will be completed)

Question regarding 7.3 Graphic submission – Panel 04: We are asked to provide both A) massing visualizations taken from views as defined by the camera locations in appendix (15) and B) visualizations of the proposal inserted into photographs A, B, C, etc. As far as we can see the camera locations referred to in A) seem to be very similar to the locations of the photographs referred to in B). Can you clarify more precisely the difference between the visualizations you require for A) and the visualizations required for B)?

Answer :
The foto-visualisations (type B) could express a nice atmosphere of the proposal, but may not be precise, while the precision of the visualisations from the camera can be verified in 3D model from the digitally delivered files.

In the "competition objectives and recommendations" document you ask participants to draw some proposal for areas out of the project site (notably the city centre). Could you define better the nature of this proposal and in which term these are related to the main one?
Answer :
The proposals have to be designed in respect to broader urban relationships as the question of concept and philosophy of any individual idea. There is no universal requirement for design of context,the relationships out of the requested borders.

Could you provide us a proper cartographic base for broader urban area?
Is it possible to have a good quality aerial photo?
Can you kindly provide a basic map with names of streets,roads,important places and names of squares for easy reference.

Answer :
All cartographic, photo- or video-documentation as well as all other materials relevant to the designed area are provided in the Appendices.

In the written submission page there's a field for the translation in Slovak of the Accompayning report. Is it compulsory to translate it or it is possible to write it in English only?
Answer :
According to Competition Conditions the Accompanying report has to be sent in English AND Slovak (alternatively Czech).

Is it possible to know the number of registered participants?
How many teams have registered to take part in the competition?

Answer :
The number of registred users of the website is 1543, but this number does not represent the number of submitted proposals - it will be known after the deadline for submissions on 24 April 2014.

According to Competition Conditions, part Competition Anonymity : „None of the submission components can identify the sender through further description or in any other way (logo, characteristic typography, distinctive graphic representation or other distinguishable feature)!“ My question is, if apart of the layout there is also a prescribed font, size of pictures, their positionig on the panel etc. – or is this on the competitors choice?
To the same topic I would like to ask, what is meant by „distinctive graphic representation or other distinguishable feature“, as any of the competing teams could have their personal style of graphic expression.

Answer :
There are no special prescribed requirements like a unified font, size or positioning of pictures in the panels and they were left up to the authors as a matter of their choice. Competition Conditions do not limit the competitors in their expression of style. By „distinctive graphic representation or other distinguishable feature“ we consider such feature that indoubtedly identifies the author- like hi/her signature, logo, photograph etc.

Have we understood well, that the positions of the cameras are the required visualistions of the proposal for Panel 4 ? Do the visualisations have to be prepared for all the cameras form the Appendix no.15? Is it necessary to prepare all formats (.pdf, .jpg, .mpg) for the Panel 04, or .jpg formats for visualisations A-H would be sufficient ?
In the brief it was explained that we would be required to place the competition entry in images A-H (8 images) and 3 sections (1:2000 scale). Does the competition entry require all of these in the final submission (8 images and 3 1:2000 sections) or are we able to select from these and use the most relevant for our proposal.

Answer :
In according to Competition Conditions Panel 04 has to contain the following parts :
A - 3D views – massing visualisations taken from views as defined by the camera locations in appendix (15) Location, height and direction of camera for submission visualisations.dwg. and additional views by choice of the author/s – optional.
B - Visualisations of the proposal inserted into photographs A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H in appendix (11) Photo-video-documentation.pdf, .jpg, .mov,and additional visualisations by choice of the competitor – optional.
The.jpg formats for visualisations A-H would be sufficient.

Is it possible to arrange a personal visit od the Old Herold area, or other places related to the designed area ?
Answer :
The request of personal visit of Trenčín was articulated by more participants, so the organisers decided to offer two guided tours through the designed area in following dates : on Thursday 20 March 2014 and on Thursday 27 March 2014. More detailed information can be found HERE.

Submit your question

Answers to all questions will be published in the FAQ section on the website by 14 March 2014 / 16:30 CET.